U.S.-Korea trade will create good American jobs and strengthen the 60-year bond between the United States and South Korea. Add your name to the growing list of people supporting immediate passage of the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement.
I support U.S.-Korea trade because:
- It will strengthen the economic and security ties between the U.S. and South Korea, our long-time ally.
- It will help create 70,000 new American jobs
- Almost all import taxes on Korean products will be eliminated
* required
By signing the pledge today, you will help tell Congress that it's time to act. You'll also get exclusive access to updates from the Korean Embassy on the progress of U.S.-Korea free trade.
This website was created and managed by DJE, Inc. on behalf of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.