Meet with your Member of Congress
Nothing creates more impact than face-to-face conversation, especially with elected officials. The Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement is on the Congressional agenda, and your Members of Congress need to know that you support its immediate passage. President Obama supports the deal, as does South Korean President Lee Myung-bak. The only thing needed is Congressional approval. It's time for your representative to hear, personally, from his constituents who support the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement.
Our meeting maker tool will allow you to do just that. It's simpler than you think, and thousands of Americans across the country meet with their member of Congress every year.
To schedule a meeting with your representative, fill in the information boxes below in the left-hand column and hit "continue." You'll then see a display in the right-hand column showing the office to which your meeting request will be sent. Select the Member you'd like to meet with and the office location that is most convenient for you. You can send the request letter we have provided, or edit that letter as you see fit.
Once you've selected the office(s) you wish to meet with, simply click the "take action" button and you're on your way.